Unlock Android pattern without losing your data..! | extrovert.dev -->

Unlock Android pattern without losing your data..!

Unlock Android pattern without losing your data..!
Saturday, September 9, 2017
 Now the worst problem that arises when you have a step to hack the Android pattern is getting troubled with the data loss.. So to reduce this problem,I came up with a solution of using a file manager called aroma file manager.     

2.Sd card which is in your device.

Now follow these steps
Note;please note that this operation is carried with your own risk neither GSPACE nor author takes any responsibility.

STEP 1: Once you have downloaded the aroma file manager copy it to the sdcard and insert your sdcard into the Android device

STEP 2: Now open the stock recovery mode in the Android device. If you are not familiar with the stock recovery mode just Google it and learn how to open the stock recovery for your device.

STEP 3: It is a black interface where you can use your volume+ and volume - buttons to access the options available.

STEP 4:  Now Mount and  storage>> Mount Everything>> Mount System>> Mount data>>Mount afs>>Mount Preload>>Mount SDcard>> Mount ExternalSD>> go back>> Install zip from SDcard>>Choose zip from external SDcard

STEP 5: Then select the aroma file manager that you have copied into your sdcard and the click "yes install aroma file manager". Then aroma will run in the stock recovery.

STEP 6: Now go to the settings in aroma filemanager  and then Go to bottom select “Automount all device on start ”

STEP 7:  Perform step 5 again so that the aroma can get restarted.

STEP 8:  Go to the Data Folder>>>then System folder and find the gesture.key if it is password lock that locked your phone or password.key 

 STEP 9 : Exit the aroma file manager and restart the normal interface at that point it restarts the device .after this you could see pattern lock, but don't worry at all enter anyof the password or pattern and continue ....but note to remember the pass or pattern you entered..

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