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Understanding neural networks

Understanding neural networks
Sunday, December 17, 2017

Neural networks have much applications in the field of artificial intelligence. It starts with character recognition,Image compression,stock market prediction,Traveling salesman problem,Medicine and security applicantions etc....

There are two types of neutral networks :


A feedforward  neural network do not form the data cycles. In this the information is transfered straight forward first it starts with the input node and processses with the hidden nodes( if they are programmed) and get from the output node.

 Feedback neural networks are used in the memories pattern that we use for addressing.

These networks are used in machine learning . This involves several strategies to perform the creation of networks.


In this mode of learning the network is provided with the information we had, simply it processes the given data and analyses with the outputs according to 
errors and makes some adjustments.


 This network is used when we have the data without answers.  For example when we go on searching for a unknown output. And the data goes divided,accordingly with certain unknown output.


This set of learning goes with listing of observations. It makes decisions by making an observation from the environment. If the decision goes false it comes with another challenges by omitting the errors.

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