Perfect web development setup in android. | -->

Perfect web development setup in android.

Perfect web development setup in android.
Sunday, November 18, 2018

        Some people think about having their things done in simpler way.  Do you love android  like me ?. Then why don't you go on things that makes web development in android much like computer does! Ofcourse you may say that there are plenty of editors available on the play store. But AFAIK! these wont give you a feel of developing and wont support things like firebase and some pretty cool stuff.

         In this tutorial we are going to use termux a linux terminal for android. If you are new to termux or to download it , Head towards .

Note: we recommend using hacker's keyboard for termux.

Setting up with python :

      python has very popular libraries like django , flask etc... Use this commands..

Pkg install python2

Pip2 install django or flask

⌨️ Micro editor works good for us.
🌐 Use Chrome browser for better results.

Using Node.js :

      Using Node.js you can add tools like firebase etc.. Let us discuss about adding firebase.

To install node in termux 

Pkg install Node.js

Installing firebase

         Firebase works best with node version-6 but termux comes with version -10 , so downgrade your version using

npm install -g npm@6

npm install -g firebase-tools

useful links :

1 Response to Perfect web development setup in android.

  1. Thank you for sharing the insight! This is very helpful. Would love to see more updates from you.

    Melbourne Web Developer
