Sunday, August 4, 2019
Websites are really becoming powerful and beautiful. These vibrant changes also brought great challenges for a web developer. Apart from UI ,we are really concerned about the quality and the performance of the website. Recently Lighthouse impressed me with its informative audit reports. The Good thing of Lighthouse is you can run it against any web page and check the audit reports that contain audit tags like performance, accessibility, progressive web apps. Now a days progressive web apps(PWA) is the love for web developers, but here I neglect PWA score because gspace is not a PWA.
First, install it as Chrome Extension.
Let's check Audits for gspace.
After hitting Generate report magic happens.
God that's 52% ! if you are new here then you feel this score is not acceptable. But it's not that bad for a blogger platform. Below you will get pretty good suggestions to improve your website quality. My first audit score for gspace is around 20%, but i managed to improve it to some extent. For a platform like blogger it forces to have some pretty good ground work as it is a single page xml template to get to 100 but my effort continues.
It's time to check your score ..!
Sunday, August 4, 2019
web development
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