As we prepare to transition our application to a production environment, it's crucial to ensure that we don't overlook any potential vulnerabilities. Below is a comprehensive checklist that is generally followed for a smooth production deployment:
1. Execute `python manage.py check --deploy` on the production server to identify warnings and deployment errors.
2. Thoroughly configure the `ALLOWED_HOSTS` setting to restrict valid hosts that can access the application.
3. Disable the `DEBUG` mode by setting it to `False` to enhance security and error handling.
4. Generate a new and unique `SECRET_KEY` for improved application security.
5. Ensure that `APPEND_SLASH` is set to `True` to handle trailing slashes in URLs.
6. Enhance security by setting `CSRF_COOKIE_SECURE` and `SESSION_COOKIE_SECURE` to `True`.
7. Verify the `SECURE_PROXY_SSL_HEADER` setting; refer to: [http://bit.ly/dj-secure-proxy-ssl-header](http://bit.ly/dj-secure-proxy-ssl-header).
8. Enable `SECURE_SSL_REDIRECT` to ensure that all HTTP requests are redirected to HTTPS.
9. Review the usage of `XFrameOptionsMiddleware` for clickjacking protection: [http://bit.ly/dj-clickjacking-protection](http://bit.ly/dj-clickjacking-protection).
10. Implement HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) for enhanced security: [http://bit.ly/dj-http-strict-transport-security](http://bit.ly/dj-http-strict-transport-security).
11. Set `SECURE_CONTENT_TYPE_NOSNIFF` and `SECURE_BROWSER_XSS_FILTER` to `True` to mitigate certain security risks.
12. If subdomains are used, configure `SESSION_COOKIE_DOMAIN`: [http://bit.ly/dj-session-security](http://bit.ly/dj-session-security).
13. Establish and test the `ADMINS` configuration to receive email notifications for 500 errors.
14. Similarly, set up and test `MANAGERS` for receiving email notifications about 404 errors.
15. Review and configure Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) settings using [django-cors-headers](https://github.com/ottoyiu/django-cors-headers). Remember to whitelist authorized domains if necessary.
16. Prioritize database integrity by considering the use of `ATOMIC_REQUESTS`: [http://bit.ly/dj-database-transactions](http://bit.ly/dj-database-transactions).
17. Specify the `upload_to` argument for `FileField` and `ImageField` to manage file uploads.
18. Utilize environment variables instead of hardcoding settings to enhance flexibility and security.
19. Safeguard sensitive URLs (e.g., Admin, Celery Flower) through anonymization.
20. For instances using Flower, ensure endpoint authentication is implemented for security.
21. Update OAuth callback and deauthorize URLs across third-party services as needed.
22. Verify that Redis connections use appropriate credentials (if Redis is employed).
23. Eliminate unnecessary methods in views, and use the `ReadOnly` attribute for read-only views.
24. Implement rate limit throttling to protect against Denial of Service (DoS) attacks.
25. Avoid utilizing Local Memory as a caching mechanism for enhanced performance and security.
By diligently following this checklist, we can bolster the security and stability of our Django application in the production environment.
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