Monday, December 4, 2017
If you are interested in managing the project that would isolate from other python projects then you can use virtualenv.
With this you can run virtual installations on your developer machine.
To install just pip it:
pip install virtualenv
To create any environment just type this;
virtualenv [environment_name]
To activate any off the environments you have created type;
source [environment_name]/bin/activate
To deactivate the virtualenv:
$ deactivate
To install virtualenv wrapper:
$Pip install virtualenvwrapper
List or change virutal environments
venv [environment_name]
To deactivate
Venv.List all of the environments
venv.ls [-b] [-l] [-h]
Brief mode, disables verbose output -l
Long mode, verbose output, default -h
Print help
Display single project
venv.show [env]
Create a new environment:
venv.init ENVNAME
venv.init [-a project_path] [-i package] [-r requirements.txt] [virtualenv opts] ENVNAME
Remove an environment
venv.rm ENVNAME
Switching to other virtual environments.
venv.switch ENVNAME
Adds the specified directories to the Python path
venv.add dirpath dirpath ..
Change the current working directory
Change the current working directory
venv.cdsp [subpackage]
Change the current working directory to the directory of the current virtual environmment
venv.cdenv [subdir]
Display the contents
Create a new virtualenv and a new project directory
venv.proj [-f|--force] [-t template] [virtualenv opts] ENVNAMEve
Mix up an existing virtualenv to an existing project
venv.setproj [virtualenv_path project_path]
Monday, December 4, 2017
python environments
Looks great