Why MongoDB?
MongoDB is the most popular and practised by many developers. Now it is placed among the top five database management systems.
To get started with MongoDB, let's be clear with few details..
MongoDB helps to get out of the mess with SQL, that's why it is known as 'No SQL' database. It helps to handle the high range of data storage with flexible and authentication access. You have the option of choosing an appropriate engine for data modelling. MongoDB provides a customize cluster storage option. You can store the data with a local set up on the computer or maintaining a Mongo cloud (MongoDB cloud atlas). Usually, MongoDB stores data as documents formated in JSON, or JavaScript Object Notation.
Generally, JSON data structured in name or value pairs. It is a human-readable format. The Data objects are separated by commas and curly braces {} holds the object, square brackets [] for the arrays.
"FirsName": "Riya",
"LastName": "Jackson",
"Designation" : "Student",
"skills": ["c", "java"]
In the year 2007 MongoDB was developed by Eliot Horowitz and Dwight Merriman while developing enterprise web applications at their company DoubleClick. consistently with Dwight Merriman, the name of the database was derived from the word humongous.
In 2009, MongoDB was made as an open-source project, while the corporate offered commercial support services to that. The NY Times newspaper used MongoDB to create a web-based application to submit the photos in the magazine. The corporate was officially named to MongoDB Inc. in 2013.
MongoDB in Real Life
Since MongoDB may be a cross-platform database, it can be installed on different platforms like Windows, Linux, etc. It is helpful for both content and product management system from websites, applications. Many Organizations has started using MongoDB for its amazing features. A number of them are eBay, MetLife, Shutterfly, Aadhar.
Features of MongoDB
- It is Flexible for storing any data types in documents. Also scalable for providing excellent solutions. MongoDB cloud Atlas can be accessed from anywhere.
- MongoDB provides high performance.
- Mongo supports embedded documents. So Input/Output operations are much better comparing to relational databases.
- Queries like getting, post, and others are supported for quick response as Indexes in MongoDB i.e. It supports faster queries.
- Authenticated
- Schemaless database with no type mapping. A
- A group of mongod instances will host the same dataset. Each document contains one primary node and further primary has two or more secondary replications.
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